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Fast, flexible, and developer-friendly, Apache Spark is the leading platform for large-scale SQL, batch processing, stream processing, and machine learning.
Free Snowflake Native Application appears to eliminate the complexity of self-managing a data clean room for non-technical users, analysts said.
Use Powerpipe to visualize and validate data in your own Postgres, SQLite, DuckDB, or MySQL database.
The best map data and the most advanced mapping features have been proprietary. The Overture Maps Foundation aims to change that.
Sensor data and IoT applications have special requirements that might be better served by a specialized database. Here’s what to consider.
TiDB is a prime example of an intrinsically scalable and reliable distributed SQL database architecture. Here’s how it works.
So many programming languages have come and gone, but SQL remains. And it has a bright future still.
BigQuery’s update will make it easier to prepare data for AI with speech-to-text and document processing.
We live in a world in motion. Stream processing allows us to record events in the real world so that we can take action or make predictions that will drive better business outcomes.
Learn how this popular Python library accelerates math at scale, especially when paired with tools like Cython and Numba.