Despite the recent chest-beating by HP's CEO and its accompanying hullabaloo, the end result will just be a me-too move
More enterprises that move to cloud computing do so to augment rather than replace their existing IT
Kicking and screaming, many businesses are adopting the public cloud because their data and budget needs leave them no choice
Microsoft has the entrenched advantage in this fight -- but it also has much more to lose
Apple limits its market and channels for the emerging SaaS space by banning SaaS apps from its App Store
It's a good start, but technology that can do this trick among the clouds, not just within a single cloud, is needed
A big company's release of its own platform could give IT better assurance about the cloud
The U.S. CIO outlines how the federal government can accelerate the adoption of cloud computing -- but will this help?
A foolish pack mentality and poor assumptions about cloud computing could saddle IT with bad options down the line
Though it may be initially dodgy, the tool will likely help enterprises make necessary link between private and public services
Giving the government the ability to control or even shut down the Internet would scare away organizations moving to the cloud
Although many thought the cloud would stimulate migration to open source technology, enterprises rather move what they already have to the new venue
Verizon and other big telecom companies could find that getting to the cloud is a bit more difficult than just writing a big check
Although some cloud providers look at the hybrid model as blasphemy, there are strong reasons for them to adopt it, Google App Engine, Microsoft Azure, and the rest face a tough threat from's 'give the development platform away' strategy
EMC's video sniping at Oracle makes both companies look silly -- and neither actually delivers on the cloud promise
Legal subpoenas to cloud providers serve as reminders that you lose control and even awareness of who can access your data
Hackers are getting better at using the scalability of cloud computing to crack into the previously uncrackable
With recent price drops and better offerings, seems unstoppable as a cloud infrastructure provider
Although the thought of this megadeal leaves many scratching their heads, here is why it's a good thing to do
Take these steps to enhance your cloud experience -- thus, making yourself more valuable and your business work better
The ability to replicate VMs between private data centers and public clouds could make the hybrid cloud a reality
Yahoo's offloading of Delicious is another rare but powerful example of why IT is afraid to trust the cloud
Google is going after Microsoft Exchange customers in a very innovative -- and perhaps sneaky -- way
The release of the long-anticipated Chrome OS will drive many in the cloud computing space to say, "So what?"
With TV commercials focused on the consumer, Redmond's simplistic definition is obscuring the cloud's full value
Deloitte predicts cloud providers will be big winners in 2011 -- but will that cash improve the cloud offerings for us all?
WikiLeaks takes to Amazon cloud to shield itself from DDoS attacks, and other targeted sites are likely to follow
From Oracle's cloud computing shopping spree to clouds turning on clouds, 2011 is going to be an interesting year
In the flood of new cloud projects, a few are committing suicide -- find out why
Cloud computing needs software architects, but few truly get it -- and the major cloud providers have snapped up those who do
The term 'cloud computing' and its accompanying vendor hype is turning off IT. Here's how to refocus on tangible benefits
With many enterprises going to hybrid cloud computing, it's time to define the architectural patterns
Here's a prescription of what it should mean, in contrast to the empty marketing usage
As the tech community finally gets to work on cloud computing, these tips will help you move in the right direction
The recent announcement that Amazon Web Services will provide free entry-level usage of EC2 will ensure its success
With the release of Office 365, we could finally see big cloud computing traction from Microsoft
With the increased success of cloud computing, we're bound to create a few monsters will bedevil a dependent IT
Public cloud vendors are trying to make the private cloud look bad; here's where you need to ignore their claims
With the huge marketing spend in the private cloud computing space, the misinformation from vendors is deafening
APIs are important to cloud computing, but few out there understand the basic principles of their design
Oracle's potshot at is counterproductive -- and a sign of things to come
The pervasive use of the cloud without an overall strategy greatly diminishes its value
Most enterprises are moving to private cloud computing without understanding why -- here's what they should know
Kill enterprise architecture, provide infinite scalability, cost pennies per day -- these are just a few of our overblown expectations for the cloud
Yahoo researchers create the longest pi yet -- and hint at the cloud's potential for highly intense and complex computation
The traditional data center is in for some changes as cloud computing continues to spread
Here are a few facts to keep in mind if you plan to implement a cloud computing project
The interest in private clouds and the growth of cloud providers are increasing demand for hardware
The real reason HP and IBM are pushing for private cloud computing: To protect their market share